Saturday, May 2, 2009

This is truly an amazing wildlife area that few people know about yet. Every time I drive by this wonderful reserve I see new and beautiful birds. For my first post, I wanted to make sure that everyone interested in Eastern Oregon was made aware of this event next week.
The fourth annual Ladd Marsh Birdathon will take place May 8 – 10 at Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area located 6 miles south of La Grande, Oregon.
Commemorating International Migratory Bird Day, the event is scheduled at the height of spring migration and nesting in the Grande Ronde Valley. Few, if any, places in Union County have a more diverse bird population than at Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area. Over 200 species of birds either visit or live permanently at Ladd Marsh.
ONLY ON THIS WEEKEND will birders have the opportunity to explore areas of the wildlife area generally closed to the public, providing increased opportunities to see an abundance of ducks, geese, swans, raptors, shore birds, and passerines.
Here is the Oregon Dept of Fish and Wildlife link for the event:

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