Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SHOT SHOW - Day 2!!!

Here we are at the second official day of Shot Show.  My feet hurt and I think Roger may never put his shoes back on,  It was worth every step, though.  There was so much cool stuff to see.  We will have products to research and think about bringing into the store for the rest of the year!

We saw the new FLIR personal model.  I think night vision is a thing of the past for us hunters.  You don't have to worry about burning it up in the daylight.  You can set it to look for the warmest source in your target area - ergo - the biggest animal in the forest.  It's going to be affordable at about $2500, so save up your allowance.  Coyote hunting, checking on the herd at night or looking for a lost calf just got easier at night.

Roger was happy to get to touch a Smith & Wesson 1911E.  He's had one on order for about a year and was convinced that Smith had stopped making them.  Just like all the other gun manufacturers, the rep told us that they were "making them as fast as they can and they are shipping out lots of them every day".  Right.

S&W 1911E
NEW - Smith & Wesson M&P 15

Smith & Wesson wall

We looked at some of the new earmuffs.  This new technology blocks sounds over 30db and amplifies sounds under 30db.  If you have ever shot a gun without hearing protection, you have damaged your hearing.  These earmuffs will let you keep your muffs (or earplugs) in place   while you hunt and not only allow you to hear the ambient sounds, but will amplify them for you!  We are definately bringing this important technology into our store. 

We wandered over to the Thompson Center booth and - Holy Cow! We found the best discovery of the day!  Thompson just came out with the best new rifle - EVER!  It's called Dimensions.  It comes with a 4-shot clip and it's a bolt action rifle built with the high quality standards you would expect from Thompson.  The stock is adjustable.  You can change the pull from 12.5 to 13.5.  This is a gun that will grow with your young shooter.  Now, here's the exciting part - You buy one rifle any caliber and you can chage out the barrel and bolt to any of 9 other calibers, from .204 Ruger to 300 Win Mag!  It comes with the tools to change out the barrels, and you can't do it wrong.  Oh, and the best part - They are going to be introduced at less than $600!!!!  You had better believe that we ran straight back to Art and ordered one!
Dimensions - Thompson Center

There's lots more!  I have new information and new products to write about for WEEKS!  For now, my internet access is about to run out, so I'll quit boring everyone with my vacation pictures.  Get this - every $49.95 motel room in Oregon includes free internet - but in Vegas, they expect you to pay $14 a day extra to pick up your emails.  I guess the mob really does still run the place.

So, for Ruby and Michaela, Grampa says that he is eating lots of fancy deserts at the buffet - nanner nanner!

We will be back in the store on Saturday - in case you are experiencing gun withdrawl.

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